Monday, June 25, 2007

Remix UX

Remix UX
Originally uploaded by Lyynx.
Shane Morris spoke a bit during the keynote about the expression products and did a quick demo of the four products. He even did some code (and he claims to be a designer!)

Brian did the keynote which covered pretty much what their aim was with WPF and silverlight, as well as a high level view of what silverlight means for developers.

Nicolas did a demo of the Discovery channel web site using silverlight. Dev time was two weeks and it goes live in august

Lol he showed a video of an ex sas reporter eating a zebra...

Some plans for the site include msn im integration and maybe even twitter.

Brian mentioned a free silverlight streaming service for developers.

Yawning a bit here. Hope I can stay awake... Also apoligies if

Lucas sherwood spoke about the design of the orlando web site which is using silverlight. No designing done by developers they just stitched together the designers work.

Haha brian showed a chest silverlight using java vs .net and .net kept winning due to its superior performance.

Showed Top bananas a silverlight video editing tool.

Spoke about dynamic languages with .net

Whew... For a key note a lot was covered. Should be a great couple of days. Will try to keep the posts coming!

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